This is carried out in two purpose-built blast rooms, as well multiple dedicated hand cabinets for smaller and more intricate work. They all incorporate a recovery system with an air wash facility, to continually maintain a flow of uncontaminated blast media. The largest blast room is 5m wide by 6m long and 3.5m high and both rooms have crane access with a lifting capacity of 5000 kg.
Wet abrasive blasting (also known as vapour blasting) is conducted in a dedicated cabinet, which can work in conjunction with a variety of blast media along with hot water and a detergent to degrease simultaneously.
Our bead blasting is performed in a selection of dry or vapour hand blast cabinets that allow us to blast intricate and small components such as high-performance motorsport components, automotive body work or any component that requires delicate treatment.
Using our Schlick HB/12/16 SL hook machine and Spencer Tilghman T50 tumble blast belt machine, we can prepare either individual items up to 1000mm wide by 1200mm high or large batches of work with a max workload weight of 400kg. This machine gives us a time efficient option to a variety of different surface preparation jobs.
The various media in which we have experience includes Chilled Iron Grit, Stainless Steel Grit, Aluminium Oxide, Garnet, Ceramic and Glass Bead, Plastic, and a variety of organic materials such as Walnut shell.
Using a variety of blast methods combined with a wide selection of blast media, allows us to treat a vast array of substrates that are Ferrous (e.g. Steel and Cast Iron), Non-Ferrous (e.g. Stainless Steel and Aluminium) and Non-Metallic (e.g. Wood and Plastic and composites).
As our NACE certified inspectors carry out both cleanliness and profile checks on all blasted surface, we are able to assure their compliance with the required standards such as ISO 8501 and ISO 8503.